Why I’m not surprised that Christian music is such a big influencer

Eric Geiger, the senior VP at Lifeway, wrote a blog about some new research that revealed the top 5 influencers on child's spiritual health.  The one that seemed most surprising to people that saw this study was the fact that number 4 on the list was listening to Christian Music. I want to say... I'm not … Continue reading Why I’m not surprised that Christian music is such a big influencer

Links Worth Reading (1/4/17)

Michael Horton - How to Read the Bible Here's a great, short video on some basic hermeneutics, which is the science of interpretation.  Definitely worth a watch, and definitely worth a share! One Thing I Did Right in Ministry: “I Started a Book Table” Tom Ascol writes an article about the importance of a good … Continue reading Links Worth Reading (1/4/17)